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Compulsory attendance becomes effective when a student enters school for the first time, which shall not be later than six years old, and continues until the student becomes 18 years of age.

Any time a student is absent from school, a written excuse including the following information must be sent to the office within three days:

● The child’s first and last name

● Teacher’s name

● Date(s) of the absence

● Reason for the absence

● Legible signature of parent/guardian

Excuses may be emailed to and Absences shall be treated as unexcused until the district receives a written excuse explaining the absence, to be submitted within three (3) days of the absence. Any questions pertaining to attendance should be emailed to and/or 

All absences beyond ten (10) cumulative days shall require an excuse from a licensed practitioner.

The following conditions or situations constitute reasonable cause for absence from school:

1. Illness, including if a student is dismissed by designated district staff during school hours for health-related reasons.

2. Obtaining professional health care or therapy service rendered by a licensed practitioner.

3. Quarantine.

4. Family emergency.

5. Recovery from an accident.

6. Required court attendance.

7. Death in the family.

8. Participation in a project sponsored by a statewide or countywide 4-H, FFA or combined 4-H and FFA group, upon prior written request.

9. Participation in a musical performance in conjunction with a national veterans’ organization or incorporated unit, as defined in law, for an event or funeral. The national veterans’ organization or incorporated unit must provide the student with a signed excuse, which shall include the date, location, and time of the event or funeral. The student shall furnish the signed excuse to the district prior to being excused from school.

10. Observance of a religious holiday observed by a bona fide religious group, upon prior written request from the parent/guardian.

11. Non school-sponsored educational tours or trips, if the following conditions are met:

a. The parent/guardian submits a request for excusal at least ten days in advance, on the approved district form.

b. Educational trip/tour does not take place during the administration of standardized tests or semester exams

c. Total educational trip absence days will not exceed five (5) school days in a single school year, unless prior approval is received from the Superintendent or designee. (see next section for more information)

12. Other urgent reasons that may reasonably cause a student’s absence, as well as circumstances related to homelessness and foster care.

The district may limit the number and duration of non-school sponsored educational tours or trips, college or postsecondary institution visits for which excused absences may be granted to a student during the school year.

Truancy Process

Three Unlawful Absences

○ A 3-Day Unlawful Absence Notice is mailed to students' residences.

Six Unlawful Absences

○ Parents/guardians will be asked to participate in a School Attendance Improvement Conference (SAIC) to develop a School Attendance Improvement Plan (SAIP)

○ A 6-Day Unlawful Absence Notice is mailed to students' residences along with the completed SAIP.

After SAIP is Created

● If 3 or more unlawful absences are accrued after the SAIP, citations will be issued under to parents/guardians

● The student and parent will be required to attend a truancy conference with a Magisterial District Judge. Citations and Fines

● Parents will be referred to the District Magistrate for citation and fines. Children and youth may also be notified.